The Makings of Cheech & Chong® Glass

The Makings of Cheech & Chong® Glass

Simply put, if you don’t know Cheech & Chong, you’ve probably been asleep since 1970. That’s especially true in the smoke-shop industry, where Cheech & Chong aren’t just a recognizable name, but they’re actual living legends who are still out there entertaining the masses and staying connected to the cannabis community.

So, in 2014, when it came time for Cheech & Chong to finally have their own officially licensed line of glass pipes, it was a big deal. They linked up with West Coast Gifts, a Vancouver-based business with roots that go back decades in the smoke-shop industry. It was a pretty fitting choice, as Chong had lived in Vancouver for a spell before his career really took off. Vancouver, it turns out, is where he and Cheech met for the first time.

It’s one thing to bring a new glass line to the market. It’s a much heavier task to create a glass line that’s influenced and approved by two of the most famous stoners of all time. After all these years — remember: “Up in Smoke” came in 1978 — expectations were high, so were the stakes. Well, West Coast Gifts has risen to the challenge, creating a line that’s been successful both in sales and creativity.

“It’s been all smiles and good times,” says Nick Wamsley, the glass designer for West Coast Gifts. “The thing I find so interesting with this brand is that people don’t buy just one glass pipe to smoke from. We have found collectors will buy several pipes at a time.”

Creating the official Cheech & Chong® glass? That’s like being the guy tasked with creating the new version of “Star Wars” or being the next person assigned to draw Mickey Mouse. The familiarity is wonderful, but there’s an important legacy to protect. Thus began the challenge of bringing Cheech & Chong® Glass to life.

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