3.25" Zippy Spoon Hand Pipe
The Red Eye Glass® Zippy Spoon Hand Pipe brings artistry to the forefront. Hand made with vibrant colour patterns and an eye catching mushroom marble that helps provide a stable grip on the pipe. Made of 100% borosilicate glass, it comes with an exclusive Red Eye Glass® Protective Neoprene Pouch for those on-the-go.
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Features & Specifications
Blue, Green, Red, Teal
Additional Details
Product Features:
- 100% borosilicate glass
- Travel size
What's Included:
1 x 3.25" Zippy Spoon Hand Pipe (#729)
1 x Red Eye Glass® Protective Neoprene Pouch
- 100% borosilicate glass
- Travel size
What's Included:
1 x 3.25" Zippy Spoon Hand Pipe (#729)
1 x Red Eye Glass® Protective Neoprene Pouch